Move Booking Form
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Moving Procedures
Furnished Suite Move Fee $75
Un-furnished Suite Move Fee $200
Moving Truck Maximum Size
The Waterscapes property will accommodate nearly all sizes of moving trucks. There is one
tight turn that some long haul semi trucks have had difficulty negotiating. The maximum length of a moving van is a day cab tractor with a 56 foot trailer. Extended highway tractors
with 56 foot trailers will not negotiate the turn on our service road.
Elevator and Lobby Door Keys
Please call the community director to make arrangement to pickup the keys for the elevator
and for the double-doors in the lobby. (250.712.1088) Please try to pickup the keys one business day in advance of your move. There is a deposit charge of $50 by cheque payable to Strata KAS 3589.
Mario’s Towing and Parking Pass
If you are moving in or out of the Osprey or Herons buildings you will need to park your moving truck in the firelane or the 15 minute parking areas. You must have a Mario's parking pass displayed on your dashboard to prevent towing. You will be given the pass with your elevator key.
Move Through the First Floor Lobby
Please move all your furniture items through the first floor lobby area. You can use the stairwells for boxes and small items. This will minimize or eliminate any damage to walls etc. Please do not use the lower level parkade lobbies for moving except to go to your
storage area.
Be Very Cautious for the Sprinkler Heads
There are a number of very low sprinkler heads in the lobby and in your suite. They
have a thin red glass stem that will easily break if the sprinkler head is bumped by furniture.
The water damage would be extensive so please point out the sprinklers to everyone who is helping you move.
Elevator Door Hold
It is very important that you do not manually hold the elevator door open. This may cause the elevator to shut down and it will not be available for your move. Arrange for the elevator key and use the key for your move.
Elevator Pads
The resident manager will setup the protective blankets in the elevator if you are moving past the first floor.
Lobby Double Doors
Feel free to use the foot stop on the exterior lobby door however, do not jam anything into the door as this will cause damage. Please don't use the entrance flower pots to hold the doors.
Keep Roadways Clear
Keep the roadways clear for others. Contractor vehicles, emergency vehicles and residents must be able to move past your moving trucks at all times. Park as close to the curb as possible.
Wall Damage
Please be very careful not to damage walls etc. They look great and we like it that way. Damage is unpleasant to look at and sometimes takes a while to repair. Please respect our home.
Boxes Etc.
Boxes etc. can not be left on your balcony/patio for more than 24 hours. No boxes or debris should be left in the hallways.
Occasionally, moving will make a mess on the foyer carpets. It would be very much appreciated by the other residents if you could vacuum any debris you have left in the foyer or the hallway carpet so we have a clean home.
Move Times
Move in/out’s must not begin before 8:00 A.M. and must be completed before 9:00 P.M. We book 3 hour time periods between these hours.
Please do not put unwanted household items in the garbage room after your move. Larger household items like furniture, carpets, pictures, etc. must be taken to the landfill. It is very costly for strata to remove these items.
Feel free to break down your cardboard boxes and put them in the cardboard recycling. Remove all styrofoam packing materials and place them in the garbage before placing cardboard in the “cardboard only” bins.
Don't forget to contact Fortis regarding your hydro account at 1-866-436-7847.
The personal information requested and subsequently provided in this form is for the purpose of communicating with tenants and owners, ensuring the orderly management of the Strata Corporation and compliance with legal requirements.
Furnished Suite Move Fees$75
Move fees for landlord furnished suites cover the costs of a full move orientation, enterphone setup, parking passes, a resident manual, contact info fridge magnet, bylaws at a glance, a few caution warnings about garage doors, sprinklers, visitor parking, towing, etc.
Unfurnished Suite Move Fees$200Move fees for unfurnished suites also cover the costs of damages to walls etc. and regular carpet cleaning. Please note that we use the fees from moving to repaint our common areas every year and to keep our carpets clean. Suites that have numerous moves cause considerable more wear and tear on our facilities and move fees are a way to recoup those expenses.